Support Families, Promote Your Organization
Sponsorship Opportunities
The National Federation of Families (NFF) will be hosting its 36th Annual Conference November 13-15, 2025 in Chicago. The event will welcome hundreds of key researchers, administrators, policymakers, family members, youth, clinicians, and other stakeholders across the nation. The NFF offers attendees premium educational sessions, product trainings, exhibitions, and networking opportunities.
We invite you to establish your company or organization as a mental health leader by securing your sponsorship at the National Federation of Families Annual Conference. As your trusted partner, the NFF provides sponsors with numerous opportunities to increase brand visibility, establish thought leadership, and directly access hundreds of potential customers and strategic partners. We work tirelessly to ensure that our sponsors’ business goals are being met. Discounted sponsorship is available to current affiliate members of the National Federation of Families.
NOTE: We are not able to include company logos on event signage for sponsors who register after October 10th. However, all other benefits listed below will still be available.
If you would be interested in sponsoring a luncheon or breakfast, please email
Benefactor: Over $10,000
A short video highlighting your organization/company on our website and at the conference (provided by the sponsor)
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
5 free conference registrations, which may be donated as scholarships
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference App
Exhibitor table at the conference
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Diamond: $10,000
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
5 free conference registrations, which may be donated as scholarships
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference App
Exhibitor table at the conference
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Platinum: $7,500
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
3 free conference registrations, which may be donated as scholarships
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference app
Exhibitor table at the conference
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Gold: $5,000
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
2 free conference registrations, which may be donated as scholarships
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference app
Exhibitor table at the conference
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Silver: $2,500
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
1 free conference registrations, which may be donated as scholarships
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference app
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Emerald: $1,500
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference app
Company logo on event signage
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Pre-conference email recognition
Affiliate: $250
This discounted sponsorship opportunity is available only to current NFF affiliates.
Acknowledgment in the opening conference session
Company name and logo displayed in the conference app
Linked company logo on the conference website
Virtual Exhibitor opportunity in Whova conference app