Borderline Personality Disorder Resources
Listed below are key organizations and web pages that address Borderline Personality Disorder. We encourage you to explore these and also to connect with your state or local National Federation of Families affiliate if you need support, information or resources or are concerned that your child/youth may be experiencing symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Borderline Personality Disorder from NIMH
This page from the National Institute of Mental Health includes the following sections about Borderline Personality Disorder: overview, signs and symptoms, risk factors, treatments and therapies and more.
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
The mission of National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder is to provide education, raise public awareness and understanding, decrease stigma, promote research, and enhance the quality of life of those affected by Borderline Personality Disorder and/or related problems, including emotion dysregulation. In addition to the helpful pages on their site linked below, NEABPD offers the Family Connections Program - a free, evidence-based, 12-hour course for individuals in a relationship with someone diagnosed with BPD.
Borderline Personality Disorder Demystified
This website was comprehensively updated in 2018 to keep up with scientific and clinical advances in the field. It is intended for people with Borderline Personality Disorder, for those who think they may suffer from it, for their families, and for psychiatrists and other mental health care providers who strive to help them. It includes information about the symptoms, history, causes, and nature of borderline personality disorder as well as various methods of treatment available and their effectiveness and risks. Finally, it can help you locate resources and other helpful information.
Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center
The Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center (BPDRC) at New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical College has been set up specifically to help those impacted by the disorder find the most current and accurate information on the nature of BPD, and on sources of available treatment.
Borderline Personality Disorder - Related Conditions
This page on Verywell Mind's website is a great resource for information about mental health conditions that relate to Borderline Personality Disorder and how they may co-occur.