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Affiliate Membership



  • Must be a parent/family organization led by a Board or leadership structure comprised, at minimum, of 51% parents/caregivers with lived experience of raising (having primary caregiving responsibility for) a child across the lifespan with mental health and/or substance use challenges

  • Be a 501C3 - a nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt 

  • Endorse and promote the mission, vision and values of the National Federation of Families

  • Affirm that the organization is parent-directed and exists to address the needs of families whose children - of any age - experience mental health and/or substance use challenges during their lifetime.

  • Have a paid Executive Director

  • Provide Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation to NFF

  • Pay annual dues to the Federation

  • Publicize and participate in National Federation events, conferences, meetings and programs, to the extent possible

  • Promote and encourage individuals, families, and organizations to join the National Federation


  • Quarterly meetings with our network of affiliate leaders

  • Receive important updates about legislative issues that impact your state

  • Receive information about funding opportunities related to your work

  • Participation in activities reflecting family voice in your state and/or community

  • Opportunities to impact advocacy efforts and other work related to the family peer workforce and topics important to families/family support at the federal level


  • Access to news and action alerts on policy issues impacting families and their loved ones that experience mental health and/or substance use disorders

  • Advocacy updates on the work the National Federation has done on behalf of families on Capitol Hill and with national mental health coalitions and substance use coalitions (i.e. SAMHSA, funding of statewide family networks, mental health parity bills, etc.)

  • The opportunity to sign on to advocacy efforts that represent the interests of families at the national level


  • Your organization becomes a part of a national network of affiliates and partners with a shared vision of making life better for families and loved ones.

  • Your organization listed, including contact email, website and/or social media, as an affiliate on our website

  • Selected contact(s) from your organization added to our e-newsletter and other communication distribution lists

  • Approved to use the National Federation of Families in your name and its logo on your website and other materials


©2023 National Federation of Families


Phone: (240) 403-1901


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